Saturday, March 31, 2012

Group B Results Day 2

Another exciting night of games courtesy of Group B!  We have been trying to feature 6 games a night and the response has been great!  From a broadcasting standpoint the only problems we ran into were 1. an xsplit audio bug which unfortunately mars a few minutes of the broadcast from time to time (it will sound like the audio is "skipping" for game sounds and my co-caster SPOLZ, but I sound fine... I fix it after about 5 minutes each time).  Sorry about that and I'll be sure to pay closer attention to the chat so when you guys first notice it I can mute/un-mute the sound and fix it for future broadcasts.  2. I didn't win the 640mil from MegaMillions so I'm NOT going to be in a state of the art studio any time soon.  Number 2 bothers me because I was sure I had that one.

WARNING: Spoilers beyond this point

Series 1: Sert(z) vs TheCubeMan(t)

We started out the night with one of my favorite match-ups, TvZ featuring the first appearance of our Group A winner TheCubeMan off racing as Terran and our ever prolific Zerg Sert.  TheCubeMan put on a macro clinic at Metalopolis to take game 1 with a massive MMM army off of 3 bases vs Sert's trademark Ling/Bling/Infestor.  Sert looked very strong early game holding off TCM's  6 hellions at the front of his natural while only losing 2 workers but could not keep up with TCM's extraordinary macro.  At one point TCM had a 60 supply lead including 10 or so more workers than his zerg opponent.

Game 2 was played at Sert's house Antiga Shipyard.  This time TheCubeMan went for a pure mech army with blue flame hellions, thors, and a dash of siege tanks.  The pressure came early and often from our Group A champ (lol he's the only one who signed up) and Sert was forced to GG.

RESULT: TheCubeMan 2 vs Sert 0

Series 2: Baxter(p) vs Tasteless(z)

Their first game brought us to The Shattered Temple and cross spawn positions.  Baxter opened with the ever so popular Forge Fast Expand, Tasteless went pool before hatch, and then thing stopped being standard.  Tasteless's scouting drone was unchallenged so he decided to drop a proxy hatch in the bottom of Baxter's base!  As the creep spread to Baxter's bottom assimilator it was simply too late.  Tasteless has proven that he WILL find a way to take every advantage he can get his slimy Zerg hands on and this one wasn't going to slip away.  Tasteless put out a "proxy queen" and started producing roaches as fast as he could.  It was only a matter of time before Baxter's entire base was overrun by the swarm.

Game 2 featured one of Blizzard's newest 1v1 maps Cloud Kingdom LE.  Tasteless, who's shown himself to prefer an early finish to a long macro game quickly goes up to 3 hatches and drones straight through the 10 minute mark.  Baxter opens FFE into warp prism harass.  When he gets there and sees that Tastless is easly ahead by 40 workers he does all the damage he can and GGs out.  Was it premature in my personal opinion?  Yes.  I believe in Baxter's play.  He has demonstrated time and time again that his build orders and situation awareness are top notch, but he's been on a moderate tilt the last couple weeks and the sight of that  full saturated third and the subsequent wipe of his drop was just too frustrating for him to continue the game. This opinion takes nothing away from Tasteless, but all of us are pulling for Baxter to get a chance to showcase his skills.

RESULT: Tasteless 2 vs Baxter 0

Series 3: Sert(z) vs Nayro(z)

Ah, ZvZ... the love/hate relationship I have with this matchup...  These two players are known around The Six Sided Ring of Fire for both having super sharp macro play but not being big fans of this particular matchup.  Game 1 was a flat out knife fight from minute one on Khoral Compound LE.  Proxy spines, 6 pools, micro... this game had it all and ended with Sert being revealed before an exhausted GG.

Game 2 was Sert's pick... so we went over to... you guessed it!  Antiga Shipyard.  This time both players opted for the slightly longer game style of speed lings and banes vs speed lings and banes.  Sert took an early expansion... thus confusing myself and SPOLZ as we assumed that would mean his untimely demise.  What it DID mean was that both players were going to lose ALL of their workers at least once in a lighting fast back and forth micro fest ending with Nayro bowing out with a GG.

RESULT: Sert 1 vs Nayro 1

Current Group B Standings:

Nayro(z) - 4 points
Tasteless(z) - 3 points
TheCubeman(t) - 2 points
Sert(z) - 2 points
Jerome(t) - 1 point
Baxter(p) - 0 points

NOTE: All of these games will be posted to youtube once I can figure out a few technical details.

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