Friday, April 06, 2012

Some VODs and Recaps courtesy of DragonMaster

I'd like to thank our friend DragonMaster for these recaps.  Make sure you say thank you to our Group C Terran for his outstanding work getting extra content out there for everyone to enjoy.

A note on the videos:  They kinda stink via blogger, but if you click to watch on youtube you get all the features, fullscreen, HD, etc.

All the VODs will be posted on my alternate YouTube account if you'd like to see what else has been played.  As the recaps are complete they will be posted on the blog.  As with everything surrounding this tournament, we're on a very "loose" schedule, so regular updates?  Nope.  Updates when we can?  You betcha!

Without further ado... here are some selected VODs with recaps!  (right after the jump)

Series 1, (TCM) TheCubeMan (T) vs. NayRo (Z)

Game 1: The Shattered Temple
We start this series off on “The shattered Temple” with players spawning in cross positions. Both players open with a standard opening, NayRo going for fast expand and TCM going 2 rax expand. TCM starts off with a little early marine pressure moving into a tank supported bio army being very aggressive in the beginning but with very little results. NayRo starts off with a ling baneling and later supports it with infestor/broodlords. NayRo displays good early defense and shows a lot of patients in his offensive strategy and never really lost the advantage to take the win over TCM and the first to take a game off of our group A winner.

Game 2: Shakuras Plateau
This game starts on Shakuras Plateau with players spawning in close by air positions on the top of the map. NayRo opens with a hatch first, and TCM goes for fast reactor factory with an expansion on the back side. NayRo tries to do some early harass with a few lings and TCM is able to push the lings back home with hellions which NayRo has to clean up. In this turn around game TCM transitions into basically the same strategy as the first game. The addition of the hellions to his bio army he was able to deny a third for NayRo to take game 2.

Series 2, Group C, Day 4, (Anammox (T) vs. Killgreedy(T))

Game1: Korhal Compound
Killgreedy goes for an early gas while Anammox goes 1 rax/fast expand. Killgreedy does get the early scout on the fast expand and decides to fast expand and drop a factory. Both players move into a bio build with Killgreedy having the advantage of cloaked banshees which he was able to keep Anammox’s army out of position as much as possible. Killgreedy turtles up and waits patiently for his prey to make a move, proving once again that patients is a virtue in SC2, and take the first win off of Anammox.

Game 2: The Shattered Temple
The game starts with the players spawning in close by air positions. Anammox follows up with his 1 rax/expand play and Killgreedy opening again with a reactored hellion/cloaked banshee play. Again both players going for bio with tank support but and early drop from Anammox gives him a huge advantage over Killgreedy. Killgreedy gets confined to his main and natural due to Anammox’s nice positioning of tanks outside Killgreedy’s main allowing Anammox to expand and take control of the game and avoid a sweep from Killgreedy.

Series 1, Group B, Day 5 (Cartman (T) vs. Sert (Z))

Game 1: Antiga Shipyard
Sert opens with a 15 hatch while Cartmanism opens with a 111 build after spawning in cross locations on Antiga Shipyard. Cartmanism gets some fast banshee and denies a fast 7 min 3rd from our zerg player. Sert is forced to get out some mutas to which Cartmanism answers with a bio heavy army to take game 1 in this series.

Game 2: Metalopolis
Cartmanism opens with up on this Metalopolis cross spawn with 1 rax 13 gas while Sert goes for a standard pool first then hatch. Cartmanism once again goes for a 111 build with an extra starport for a banshee heavy build for late early game harassment. Sert smells blood when the first banshees fall after taking out a few workers and a queen and goes for a counter attack which leads to us into a mech heavy build featuring BC’s vs. Sert’s muta/broodlord/infestor composition. Although there isn’t wasn’t much action in the early game to write home about, late game leads us to some really nice engagements  but when Cartmanism brings out the BC’s things get a little too tough for  Sert  keep up with and Cartmanism sweeps the series.

Series 2, Group B, Day 5 (Jerome (T) vs. Unit (T))

Game 1: Antiga Shipyard
Unit and Jerome put on a good show in this TvT on Antiga Shipyard spawning in close by air positions. Jerome opens the series with a 1 rax expand while Unit opens with Banshees for some early game harassment on Jerome’s natural. Unit goes for cloaked banshee and does some early harassment taking out a few SCV’s of Jerome. A drop in Units base ends this game before the mid game could get started, giving Jerome a 1-0 lead in this series.

Game 2: The Shattered Temple
Spawning in cross positions on The Shattered Temple both players take fast expansion at almost the same time to gear up for a nice macro game to follow up that fast game 1 on.  A 10 minute push of marines from Jerome proves to be very effective against Unit forcing Unit to take a hidden expo to no avail as Jerome moves into drop plays that are just too hot to handle for Unit who gives up both games in this series.

Series 2, Group B, Day 6: (TheCubeMan (P) vs. Jerome (T))

Game 1: The Shattered Temple
Jerome opens on The Shattered Temple with a 2 rax no gas with a fast expand and TCM (TheCubeMan) goes with a 1 gate/core/double gas opening. Jerome turtles up for a mid-game timing. TCM gets an observer into Jerome’s base and sees that his stalker/zealot/archon/with 1 colossus support isn’t enough to engage Jerome and we see Jerome doing some great harassment on TCM’s mineral line. Jerome’s late game BC build falls to TCM’s upgraded army. Jerome went for a risky build and he just didn’t have time for it to kick in and drops this first game to TCM.

Game 2: Korhal Compound
Both Jerome and TCM opens with a pretty standard build here on Korhal Compound. Jerome again going for those early banshees for harassment but a four gate timing push does not even allow the first banshee to finish and TCM sweeps ANOTHER series in this pool play showing his dominance.

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