Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Goals for tonight's stream

The +9 fire claymore needs to happen, but I'm not sure that was a great goal with the progress I've made/haven't made.  I'll see tonight. Left over goals that I still need to figure out are SL parking and Embers... both of which are going to take a little while, so they will remain over-reaching goals for this adventure.

  1. Upgrade weapons I am trying to decide between
  2. Test out these weapons in PvE/PvP(when possible)
  3. Try invasions out in different zones I've never invaded
  4. Farm - I know this is normally not the goal but a side effect, but I want to make sure I focus on getting all the right information out of this character so I am ready for the next one... that requires souls and crafting materials.
    1. humanity (so I can do New Londo with at least 10 humanity)
    2. chunks/shards/etc (upgrade weapons/armor)
    3. souls (for upgrades)

Just a real quick post... let's GO:  http://twitch.tv/t6srof

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