Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dark Souls: Xbox Play through 1 Strategy/Goals for tonight

I'm coming for you, Gwynn

I've moved to the Xbox "temporarily" so I can do more multi player stuff and have started a new character.  Thanks to Rishain, A Chaos Servant, and a bunch of other people I'm pretty much geared up from the get go.  I'm not going to have to lose a ton of time to prepping myself again.  It's been a very smooth transition in that regard.

So, what have I done so far?

He's pinned at SL18.  I don't plan on leveling him up again unless something extremely bothersome comes up and even then I can't see myself going to SL20.  That means I only have 1 attunement slot, can't use any miracles, and will always be at my current equipment load.  I'll try to get a screen shot of my build and post it here.  If not, I'll edit in a mugenmonkey link after making sure it's right.  I'll tweet that when it's done.  I've selected 16 Strength and 14 Dexterity as my stopping point for weapons.  I have 17 Endurance and I believe 12 Stamina.  

I've killed Gargoyles, Sif, Four Kings (joined Darkwraiths), and The Traitor Seath the Scaleless.  I've had one very fun and successful night of PvP and one night of having my teeth removed forcibly by people's sword pommels.  

And what's the plan for tonight?

  • PVP Practice!  I'm SL18, so that means you should be from SL8 to SL30... which should take you seconds from making a new character if you don't have one ready. 
    • Schedule a Fight Night, figure out the logistics, get the word out
  • Acquire red (and orange, derp) soap stone
  • Kill everything besides Bed of Chaos
    • Level pyromancy flame to A+5
  • Acquire chaos ember
    • stop leveling weapons I want to "chaos" to +10, dummy
    • Chaos my Zweihander, Shotel, and Great Scythe
  • Gain access to Oolicile Township
    • Farm humanities for humanity (not super important)
    • gain access to arena

If you've been following my "planning" posts, I always end with "HAVE FUN!" to remind myself that when I get frustrated or confused the best thing to fall back on is something I enjoy.  This game is beautiful and vast. There's no reason to get mad.  Last night I almost got real mad while invading.  A few really bad invasions in a row and I was steamed.  At that point, instead of invading again and grandstanding on his corpse afterwards I should have moved on and done something else for a while.  That was stupid and I need to focus on enjoying everything the world has to offer instead of stubbornly doing frustrating stuff.

I'll try not to make that mistake again.

Anyways, I'm going live in a few...  Come by and check out the stream http://twitch.tv/t6srof

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