Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Six Sided Ring of Fire's Yet Unnamed NA Starcraft 2 Tournament

Okay, for those of you keeping score, the 3 in 30 challenge has come and gone... and looks a hell of a lot more like a 2 in 30 challenge.  The move to Platinum league has been much more difficult than I thought it would be.  There really was nothing on the line for the "bet" I had with my buddy, but when I logged in yesterday people kept asking if I made it or not.  What that means is I have to do SOMETHING to pay off the bet.

What I've learned over the past couple months is that you guys are AWESOME and that I really enjoy spending time with everyone who stops by the stream.  You guys are funny, insightful, and motivate me to keep laddering.  That's really something special, so I decided that since I lost a "bet" I might as well pay up by doing something fun for everyone instead of trying to figure something silly to do as a punishment for not making it to Platinum yet.

So, without really knowing all the details, I'm going to sponsor a tournament!  This post is basically the pre-alpha build of this tournament and it will mostly depend on the response... but here's what I've got in mind so far... which is still open to change at any time.

First and foremost this will be a tournament for followers of my stream.  If you haven't already, hit that follow button!  If you need a link to the stream, it's in the sidebar to the right.  I'm trying to give back to people who have made this so much fun for me, not just the Starcraft 2 population at large.

The tournament will be broken down into "pools" of players at all skill levels represented.  This will be broken down in the most logical way possible (Diamond+, Plat/Gold, Silver/Bronze hopefully).  In these pools you'll have a group of players you have to play once.  You'll receive points based on win/loss and be seeded into a mini tournament after pool play has completed.  The replays of all games from BOTH PLAYERS need to be emailed to the commish... aka me.

The pool play games will be cast on stream as replays at my discretion.  As you guys know, my schedule can be brutal, so it's going to be hard to give you guys the consistency that you'd probably prefer.  Along those lines I'll be auditioning co-casters live on stream while we're setting this up.  This will provide two benefits.  1. I can practice.  2. When my go-to co caster has to work and I'm off we can try to show a couple games on stream.  This will be an opportunity for you to show what you've got if you've always wanted to give it a try!  If you'd like to audition, just install Skype and Replay Sync and let me know you're interested.

I'm hoping that each stage of the tournament will last about a week.  There will be an in-game chat room announced where you can go to set up your games, add your opponents, etc.  Because I want this to be accessible to people like me with jobs/school/families/etc I will set it up as best as I can to give you ample time to play your games.

If everything goes well this could be a reoccurring event.  That will depend on how big of a pain in the ass people are.  My "dream" scenario is everything goes smoothly and we start doing tournaments every month.  The second people start saying stuff like "I was trying to play this guy but he reported I didn't show" then I'm going to freak out.  If the turnout is big enough then I'll be looking for officials to moderate some of the games.

The prizes are yet unannounced, but picture something like a game off steam.  I'm reaching out to a lot of people to see what kind of interest level I can generate, but at the very least I'll throw up some bucks to make this interesting.

I will have every replay from the entire event, package them up real nice, and upload them for anyone who'd like them after the tournament is over.  I don't know why, but I LOVE replay packs like that.

Anyways, that's where my head's at right now.  Keep an eye out for additional posts on here once I figure out more of the details.

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